Saturday, December 31, 2011


as much space as we have inside... there is nothing like the great outdoors - even our limited front yard for the calming of the shrew... by shrew i mean a two year old tantrum of course. inside there is 100 things to say no to, outside - only 5 or 10. She is good at staying out of the street so that hits the number one thing immediately.

Two year old melt downs are now a regular occurrence in our home. Bee hit them at three... Momma Bear is advanced i guess :). i know much of this must have to do with her confusions and sadness. we needed her to have a chill out in her room... and all she did was sit and scream mommymommymommy over and over. so much fun for many reasons - to hear a child continually cry is stressful - to have them cry for you... by a name your not sure you will have forever or not.

and a selfish reason... i'm not a MOMMY fan - i prefer momma.

i fear that these two year old fits are a scary harbinger of 16 year old screaming matches to come. i have little to no patience with her tantrums and her clinginess recently.

we are sitting in our front yard and as i type she refuses to play but wants to be on top of me. instead of playing she slams her sunglasses against the table... and then tantrums when they are removed from her... sigh... so now i am outside in the glorious breeze and quiet... and she is screaming in her room while my hubby deals w/ her meltdowns...

1 comment:

  1. I just adore your blog. I, too, am a foster mama. I lost my uterus after my daughter was born last July. I feel (and maybe it's the warm weather) all of these grief feelings coming up. I'm just wondering how you came to terms with it. I think I was in denial for so long and now I'm having to face it.
