Sunday, October 7, 2012

so they'll be at court right?

had a great experience picking up the kids from their parents today ---- a lot of positive things happened... will post later

the only hiccup for me was one thing...

daddy asking what to expect at court (don't even get me started on how the lawyers drop the ball there in my opinion - i SWEAR they only see their clients in court)...

he then asked if we would have the kids there at court - if they would come home right away --- asked like an excited little boy waiting for Christmas morning...

i said i didn't know - that the case worker told me that it would happen by the end of that week (didn't include the part where caseworker said if parents INSIST it could be at court that day)

sad heart --- on one hand it would be good b/c it would be DONE... on the other it's my mommy's bday and would love the kids to spend time with her one more time on that day (we don't see them during the weekend b/c of visitation) that and one of my closest friends - who has loved on the babies more than anything.... will be out of town for the next 2 weeks - will come back the day after court... she has said her sort of goodbyes - but praying she will get one more hug...

will know more on the final staffing i attend the thursday before court...

2 more weeks and it might be done....

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