Thursday, August 30, 2012


what is a permanency staffing...


it's like an IEP meeting (individualized educational plan) but for the parents.

all interested parties are there (minus lawyers - unless they can all be present)

we had a permanency staffing today...

moving forward to reunification - if daddy hadn't slipped... they would be recommending reunification now

but... he did

we are still moving forward... they will hope seriously look at a new home study... and one of the workers (i think a head case manager type) encouraged parents to bring as much paperwork as possible so she could have all the info...

they are hoping to start overnight visits soon.

speaking of HOME...

GOD's mighty hand shook things up... the previous (icky) home of the parents got flooded during some heavy rains... (which caused court to be cancelled) and now they are in a nice duplex...

how do i know...

i drove the parents home today... (after making sure at least 2 people knew what i was doing).

it's clean, it's nice, it's small...

i can see my babies there... i can see them playing in the yard... i can see them thriving... thankful for that gift.


  1. God gave you that gift so you would know how they would be living. A little thing, but important all the same. Praying!

  2. Knowing where our former foster daughters are is such a wonderful blessing. So glad you were given this gift.
