Thursday, August 2, 2012

unexpected admiration

i admire her...


there were some surprises as i had been warned...

daddy screwed up... again... pretty big... and mommy didn't know...

but she held it together...

i had a vision of myself if it had happened to me... think lil' old southern woman going after bully with her purse... lots of angry words... that would have been me


a report someone else gave... stating they wanted another six to eight months of growth on her part....i almost fell over... she stood strong...

she had to answer her kids questions... and she did... in a way that was semi-honest (not actual lies)... and honoring to the man who had just let them all down...

she had to say good bye to her kids again... put them in my vehicle...

i don't know how she does it...

praying for her continued progress...

hoping for it all to work -

HE will complete that good work HE has begun in her...


  1. It is a good sign that Mom handled the surprises in court well.
    Does this mean the Bears will be with a while longer?

  2. who knows how much longer! but yes longer than we had anticipated - thought they would be home by Aug 20th - next court date is the week AFTER that, and even then who knows... the long drawn out life of FC!
